Monday, October 19, 2009

Charge it....

So this is just there to get your real comments will be on the following images and ideas...

These images have always gotten me. I can look back and remember exaclty what I was doing on that day; I was running late to school and had no idea what was goin on. I didn't listen to the radio, had a cd in, and was to busy running to catch up to my girlfriend, now wife at the time. I got to class and everyone was sad and quiet so I asked what happened....I saw the news that was going on and my jaw dropped. I remember seeing the news for the next couple of days and seeing fear , anger and hatred on people's faces. I felt it too. The only thing that kept me from joining the military at that time was my engagement to my wife...I was around to hear the stories on the news, and to see friends that had loved ones there at that time. Their images are still in my memory when I think about 9/11.
I can look at how these images have changed now from the past to the present. Yes they show fear, and destruction...but some have brought us hope and love.

This one has to be one of my most favorite images. The show of support for their country and the people. I cannot imagine what kinds of nerves these brave men and women have. To rush into that sort of disaster with only their little pieces of gear to save them.
I look back at these images and feel the sense of American Pride. The love that we can share as a people.
Here we can see how the people worked together to help those in need. We can look back and see the changes in ourselves brought on by this destruction. As these images flooded our TVs, the newspapers, and every sort of magazine that they could fit them on, we can remember and honor the fallen, the slain, and the survivors. I try to imagine if I had been there, would I be running out, or back in to find those that didnt make it out alive. I hope to have been running back in.


  1. This is a great emotional charge, interestingly I was going to use 9/11 for this week's blog until I came upon another image. Definitely something we will never forget, and that will be passed from generation to generation. Hard to tell what we would have done had we been there, but I also would like to think running back in to save a life would have been the answer. Loved your photos.

  2. Wow great choice in images! These always fill me with sadness for our beautiful country. Very emotionally charged. A lot of families suffered great loses.
