Monday, October 12, 2009

Video Game Addiction

Well when I heard the assignment for this class I thought I had the perfect idea. Find a funny clip of this game and show the world.....easier said than done. I realized that the videos may be funny to me, what about the non gamers that don’t quit understand the game or the spoken language. In World Of Warcraft, you enter a new world. It is quite easy to let yourself become your avatar, and start acting like a new person. No one here has ever seen you, or talked to you or has no idea who or what you are like. That was what drew me in. I could stop being the nice guy that always helps. I could hide behind a mask and become someone new. I was able to reinvent myself.

Now this game offers you a chance to become someone or something you’re not. It puts you in their shoes and allows you to walk and talk as them. You are able to see a new world through new eyes. The terrain is beautiful and sometimes the people are. I made a lot of friends in the time I was there. I do miss them and often think of going back.....The game play is offered in 2 points. One you can zoom all the way in and look at the world through the eyes of your toon. The other offers more of a third person view where you can follow your toon and look around without changing views. The world offers many places to visit and things to do. The artwork is out there and can be very eye pleasing or can cause some problems. I had a friend that would almost have seizures if the screen got too much. There were certain areas she couldn’t go.

Now back to the video I chose. This is just one of the many funny ones out there made by a player in the game. If I remember right he even wrote the song to go along with it. Truly a fan.....It depicts the play of player vs player. You fight against the other side in hopes of winning more points and money. It is much harder than playing the game. The game can be predictable, players not so much.

I will close now, and hope that my little bout of crazy did not leave you to confused.


  1. I had no idea that players are now creating new side versions of warcraft. I guess this is good if you are into warcraft. The more difficult the better eh?

  2. Watching the You Tube clip you posted gave a good example of the geometric linear perspective. Since I've never played video games I never realized there were so many out there or that so many adults were into them. I guess it gives people the opportunity to escape their "real" world and helps them relax.
