Monday, November 16, 2009

Science is fun again

This is They Might Be Giants; they are a very fun band that has turned science into song. I had forgotten all about them until I heard this song. They teach science through songs and have quite a few albums out. I like that fact that they can make it fun for all ages. The songs they have written are catchy and easy to follow.

Trying to think of images of science and how they are found in music, life, TV and the media makes me remember how things have changed. We can see the improvements and the setbacks in life.

I liked this video because it shows the change and improvements made to the imaging of the human body.

I had always wanted to see this exhibit one day, and remembered it and thought it might apply to this assignment.

I hope you all enjoyed this.


  1. Josh,
    You really grasped the science in this assignment. I especially like the history of medical imaging video. When i was pregnant i though it was a crazy concept that they could look at my unborn baby and give me a photo. I dont know about the body worlds thing, i guess you have to be comfortable with that stuff. It kinda gives me the chills.

  2. Josh, I loved the elements song, it was similar to what I used in my blog as well. Your video on imaging reminded me of how far science and technology have come. When my first child was born 24 years ago, I was able to see my unborn child "only as a little dark spot". The Dr. said this is her head, feet, etc. and I just shook my head like I understood what he was seeing, even though I had no idea. They have made such progress since then. Great job on your blog

  3. Josh when I saw your They Might be Giants video, it totally brought me back to my high school days.I had to post a different one by them that is also cool. The Body Worlds exhibition maybe the most amazing break through of our times. Can't wait to see it. Great job

  4. Ahahaha I love They Might be Giants. Have you heard their Mammals song and their song about the Sun? They are really creative and can turn science into something really fun and you still learn something.

    Did you know they also sang the opening theme for the show Malcolm in the Middle?

  5. I think it's interesting that humans are made of mostly four elements and also four phosphate groups. The body world exposition is unique and a good way of showcasing a persons body but very disturbing in a sense.
